Monday, December 30, 2019

Things Fall Apart...Chapter One(1) - 788 Words

Things Fall Apart Chapters 1-3 World Lit. Period 2 Julio Corral 1/12/11 In the beggining chapters of the book called â€Å"Things Fall Apart,† there is a big misunderstanding between Unoka and his son Okonkwo. Their conflict is based on Unokas unprodictuve behavior. Okonkwo on the other hand is a very strong and hard working man. Okonkwo is ashamed to say that his father is the lazyest man on the village. Unoka sits all day and plays his flute while everybody else is out in the yam fields working their butts off. Even tough Unoka is a very lazy man, his son Okonkwo figures out a way to get a totally different reputation around his village. Okonkwo becomes one of the most wealthiest man in his village. If there is†¦show more content†¦Even when his father was alive okonkwo was laying the foundations for a prosperous future. What i think ashamed Okonkwo the most was the tragic story of his father. There was a sroty about Okonkwo’s father going around the village called Umufia. The story said that Okonkwo’s father Unoka, had gone to consult the Oracle of the Holls and the Caves.Unoka wanted to find out why he had always got a miserable harvest. Unoka tells his story to Agbala, after a while Agbala tells him â€Å"You have not offended neither the gods nor your fathers. And when a man is at peace with his gods and ancestors, his harvest will be good or bad according to the strenth of his arms. You, Unoka, are know in all the clan for the weaknees of your machete and your hoe. When your neighbors go out o cut down the virgin forests, you sow your yams on exhausted farms that take no labor to clear. They cross seven rivers to make their farms;you stay at home and offer sacrifices to a reluctant soil. Go hoome and work like a man.† These were the Oracles exact word to Unoka. Whenever somebody heard this story they would laught at Unoka. To finalize this, a parent can influence his or her child in ways you can’t imagine. To us our parents are a symbol of respect and in some cases even wisen ess. The mayority of us always admire our parents, for specific events they have done for our better, or for the simple fact that they gave birth to us. But not canShow MoreRelatedChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay1347 Words   |  6 Pageswhen Things Fall Apart while Joseph Conrad authored Heart of Darkness. Conrad and Achebe set their individual titles in Africa; Achebe is an African writer whereas Conrad is Polish-British. The authors draw strength from their backgrounds to validity the authenticity of their fictional novels. Conrad writes from his experiences in the British and French navies while Achebe uses his African heritage. The theme of culture is prevalent in both Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Achebe s Things Fall ApartRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay1213 Words   |  5 PagesNigeria. Achebe is the first author that illustrates the European colonization from the viewpoint of an African in his novel, Things fall Apart. The novels Achebe writ es addresses the issues facing Nigeria in the 1890’s. The main issue in this novel is the clash between the traditions and culture of the native Umuofians and the forceful colonization of the missionaries. One of the main points in African Diaspora is to discuss the effects of European colonization around the world. Achebe’s work emblematizesRead MoreChinua Achebe : The Invention And Mastery Of Modern African Literature1695 Words   |  7 PagesEmeka Aniagolu labels Chinua Achebe as â€Å"the single most important literary figure in modern African literature† (1). Aniagolu goes on to praise Achebe as â€Å"perhaps the most well-known, most widely read, most translated, and most widely respected modern African writer, novelist and polemical essayist†, especially considering he as been crowned as the inventor of modern African literature (1). The praise he has received and will continue to receive from critics is certainly not misdirected, as AchebeRead M oreChinua Achebe : The Invention And Mastery Of Modern African Literature1595 Words   |  7 PagesEmeka Aniagolu labels Chinua Achebe as â€Å"the single most important literary figure in modern African literature† (1). Aniagolu goes on to praise Achebe as â€Å"perhaps the most well-known, most widely read, most translated, and most widely respected modern African writer, novelist and polemical essayist†, especially considering he as been crowned as the inventor of modern African literature (1). The praise he has received and will continue to receive from critics is certainly not misdirected, as AchebeRead More Things Fall Apart Essay1582 Words   |  7 Pages Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. New York, New York Copyright 1959 Author Biography Albert Chinualumogu Achebe, or Chinua Achebe, was born November 16, 1930, in Ogidi, Nigeria. His parents were Janet N. Achebe, and Isaiah Okafo, a teacher in a missionary school. Mr. Achebe was educated at the University College of Ibadan, but also attended Government College in 1944. He wrote his first novel, Things Fall Apart, in 1958. During the Biafran War,Read MoreThings Fall Apart and Universal Appeal951 Words   |  4 PagesThings Fall Apart-Universal Appeal Confronted with a global conscious filled with hazy, negative conception of the African reality, appalled with such one sided works as Heart of Darkness and Mr. Johnson, Chinua Achebe determined in 1958 to inform the outside world about Ibo cultural traditions1. One can appreciate then, Achebe s inclusion of universal themes and concepts in is novel as a means of bridging the cultural gap with his audience and reiterating that Africans are in the end, humanRead MoreThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe 735 Words   |  3 PagesThings fall apart. Achebe. Ernest Gaines once said, â€Å"I write to try to find out who I am. One of my main themes is manliness. I think Im trying to figure out what manliness really is.† Indeed, every society or culture has its own understanding of an ideal man. Even though these characteristics are different in various parts of the world, the significance of masculinity can never be overestimated. â€Å"Things Fall Apart† by Chinua Achebe is considered as one of the best examples of a riseRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay1428 Words   |  6 PagesCohen 1 Jonathan Cohen Ms. Samuel Honor British Literature October 18, 2016 Things Fall Apart In the late nineteenth century an unknowing and pure style of life was torn to pieces by the corrupt and power hunger dictatorship known as Christianity. In Nigeria a tribe called the Igbo lived a simple life that will soon be torn apart from the impurities of the Europeans. The Igbo live a life of simple trade and democracy, brutal wars, and a strong belief in their religion. To this tribe many peopleRead MoreThe Stronger Gender in Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay1409 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"A man belongs to his fatherland when things are good and life is sweet. But when there is sorrow and bitterness he finds refuge in his motherland. Your mother is there to protect you. . . . And that is why we say that mother is supreme† (p.134). In Achebe’s 1959 â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, female figures appear to have minor domesticated roles; however with these words Achebe calls attention to female strength within the tribe. Feminine power is recognized within the tr ibe, and fear of this power providesRead MoreThings Fall Apart Reaction Paper1420 Words   |  6 PagesThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe English II Submitted by: G11 David, Kim Patricia Y. II – Helium Submitted to: Mrs. Zenaida S. Garcia – Nicolas Submitted on: August 6, 2012 Things Fall Apart Take-Home Test 1.) a.) Ikemefuna is Umuofia’s hostage from Mbaino who was put under Okonkwo’s care for three straight years. He lived with Okonkwo’s family and became close to Nwoye, Okonkwo’s eldest son. He calls and treats Okonkwo as his real father. Okonkwo is inwardly pleased with him and he

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Synopsis Of The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1018 Words

All Natalie could see was the endless forest of tall redwood trees in every direction. The sun glistened just over the horizon, turning the sky the dark orange color of sunset. Feeling overwhelmingly alone, she looked down at her light brown tabby cat, Merlin. He was fairly small, with paws the size of quarters and a height of about nine inches, and Natalie loved him more than anything in the world. He was always there when she felt scared or alone, and Natalie knew she could trust him to be just as intelligent as she could ever be. She stroked his short, soft fur at the neck, where a spot of white formed the distinct shape of a crescent moon. It was a simple action, a nervous tic of hers. Merlin’s green eyes met her own brown ones, and a†¦show more content†¦Merlin ran in her direction and tapped her foot with his paw. She stroked him in reassurance that she was okay, and went forward to try to open the door. It was locked, and all of the windows seemed to be locked, too, and she could not afford to break them lest the wind come into the house. The white drapes were simple and undecorated, and hid the interior of the house from her view. The smoke coming from a small chimney was carried off into the wind. Natalie felt that this house was here for a reason, and felt welcomed by it. The house could be a shelter from the harsh winter wind outside. After hours of looking, Natalie stumbled upon a loose log in the wall. She feverently scratched at the log to pull it out , and eventually found a small silver key in a box, the box tied with a fine silver chain. The key easily slipped in, and the girl and her companion walked into the house. The door opened with a loud creak that echoed in the house. Natalie locked the door behind them, pushing hard against the howling wind. Merlin kicked up a cloud of dust as he gracefully leaped to the large bookshelf on the wall, and Natalie hobbled over to the worn fabric armchair by the fireplace. The flame crackled peacefully, filling the room with a warm glow. Natalie felt relaxed, in the heat of the fire, watching Merlin kicking a book off of the shelf. Suddenly, she had an idea. The silver chain was large enough so she could tie it around her neck,Show MoreRelatedSynopsis Of The Night Of The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald1096 Words   |  5 Pages*** The next morning, Tokola was outside when they awoke. Charity told him that she wanted him to have all of her grandfather’s things. She was taking just one thing of his, a small, hand-carved eagle; she was leaving the rest behind. It was not that she did not want to take everything with her; she did. If possible, she would have stuffed the entire cabin into her trunk to take with her- but she knew it wasn’t feasible- and, in the back of her mind, she thought that maybe one day in the future,Read MoreStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words   |  287 Pagesperforming firms appear capable of blending competing frames of reference in strategy making. They are simultaneously planful and incremental, directive and participative, controlling and empowering, visionary and detailed (1991:121). Or, as F. Scott Fitzgerald put it, more bluntly: The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. To function as a strategist, of course, means not just to hold suchRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages Management—-Study and teaching. 2. Management—Problems, exercises, etc. Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2011 658.40071 173—dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS

Friday, December 13, 2019

The use of recombinant technology can only benefit humans Free Essays

Recombination is a way in which meiosis produces new combinations of genetic information. During synapsis, chromatids may exchange parts with other chromatids, leading to a physical exchange of chromosome parts; thus, genes from both parents may be combined on the same chromosome, creating a new combination. Recombinant DNA technology is a series of techniques in which DNA fragments are linked to self-replicating forms of DNA to create recombinant DNA molecules. We will write a custom essay sample on The use of recombinant technology can only benefit humans or any similar topic only for you Order Now These molecules in turn are replicated in a host cell to create clones of the inserted segments. I think that recombinant technology only benefits humans as it allows us much greater control over genetic manipulation, which we can then use to our advantage. Indge, Rowland and Baker (2000) summarises some of the ways that recombinant technology has been beneficial to humans; Genetically engineered micro organisms- large amounts of insulin and human growth hormone can be produced cheaply. Genetically modified plants- Desirable plants can be transferred from an organism to a crop plant. Genetically modified animals- human proteins such as haemoglobin and blood-clotting factors, are already produced in the milk of transgenic cows, goats and sheep. Human gene therapy- gene therapy involves inserting a ‘normal’ gene into an organism’s body to correct a genetic disorder. ; Mapping human chromosomes (the Human Genome Project)- scientists in over 1000 laboratories around the world are contributing to the Human Genome Project. Their aim is to create a map of all human chromosomes, identifying the precise location of every gene. This will help to develop new gene therapy treatments. The ability to clone genes through the use of recombinant technology is a big advantage to humans. The production of human insulin is now done on a very large scale and benefits many thousands of diabetics. Kent (2000) states that human insulin made by recombinant DNA technology produces fewer side effects than insulin prepared from cow or pig pancreatic extracts, previously the main source of insulin. But diabetics are not the only people who are benefiting from recombinant technology. Jones and Jones (1999) show that considerable advances in genetic engineering are making gene therapy possible. Gene therapy is intended to correct inherited disorders, such as cystic fibrosis, which are caused by a defective gene. If the ‘correct’ gene could be inserted into the affected person’s cells, then they should be free of the disease. Recombinant technology is also beneficial to humans when it comes to crop production. Genetic engineering is used to produce pest resistant varieties of crop, which means that fewer pesticides would have to be used on the crops and they would produce a greater yield. Jones and Jones (1999) say that tomatoes have been produced containing genes that result in them remaining fresh for much longer than usual after picking. This makes it much easier, and therefore cheaper, to transport them form grower to sale point, so they have a much longer shelf life. But genetically modified crops can also cause problems in the environment. If crops are produced containing a gene making them resistant to herbicides and are then sprayed with the herbicide to kill weeds, this gene might then somehow spread to wild plants and affect the balance of the ecosystem. Although recombinant technology is of great use to humans when it comes to gene therapy and genetically modified crops it can also be a threat if used in the wrong way. Jones and Jones (1999) state that the techniques of genetic engineering could be used deliberately to create new organisms that could infect and kill humans. There are, of course, already many organisms that can do this, but little use had been made on biological warfare. About half of the nations of the world signed a treaty in 1972 pledging not to produce biological weapons of any kind. However, the concern remains, and it is certainly possible that new, highly dangerous forms of infectious organisms could be used deliberately. How to cite The use of recombinant technology can only benefit humans, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Employee Motivation free essay sample

A Quantitative Study on Global Banks P? nar Gungor Okan University, Istanbul, 34722 Turkey Abstract The primary goal of this study is to research the relationship between the reward management system applications and employee performance of bank employees on global banks in Istanbul. It also focuses on the role of motivation as an intervening factor. According to the literature review on the previous studies it is proven that organizations use reward systems and strategies to motivate their employees and to increase their performance. This study will have lots of contributions to the business world. Organizations may improve or change their reward systems to survive in today’s environment with the help of this study. They may renew their reward systems and put more efficient and effective ones. In this study, employee performance effectiveness is determined on reward systems. At the beginning of the study, there is a literature review and there are hypotheses concerning the effects of reward management system and motivation on employee performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Employee Motivation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Secondly, theoretical framework is discussed through the effects of reward management system applications and motivation on employee performance. Finally hypotheses are tested using data from 116 bank employees in 12 global banks and research results or findings are analyzed. Keywords: Reward Management System, Employee Performance, Motivation, Global Bank  © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of 7th International Strategic  © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility 7th International Management Conference Strategic Management Conference ? Corresponding author. Tel. + 90-216-677-1630 fax. +90-216-677-1647 Email address: pinar. [emailprotected] edu. tr 1. Introduction Globalization is a concept that encompasses change and competition. The findings of the study is consistent with the previous studies which, Herpen, Praag, Cools, (2005), have investigated empirically the effects of pay on performance. They mentioned that some theories predict that the practice of a compensation system affects the motivation of employees. The results of their study bring out a positive relationship between the perceived features of the reward system and extrinsic motivation. According to their findings similar with the results of this study, Intrinsic motivation is not affected by the design of monetary compensation, but by promotion opportunities. The limitation of the study is the response rate of the bank employees who are expected to be 250 appropriate with the number of the items. For further studies, the ineffectiveness of the non-financial rewards on employee performance should be investigated to find the weakness of the non-financial part of the reward system.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Land Of Desire Essays - Capitalism, Marxian Economics,

Land Of Desire Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture William Leach Random House; 1993 428 Pages The transformations that America went through in order to become a capitalist country were very significant and are sometimes looked past. However, in the book Land of Desire, the author, William Leach extensively goes into many of those things. There were many things that went into this ranging from specific poeple and incidents to outside places and things. Leach shows each individual ordeal and explains the personal effect that it had on the industry, as well as how society accepted, or in some cases condemned such things. All of this comes from his own education and understanding of the situation. He shows the drift into a capitalistic country as being a gradual change in one thing that then led to another, and to another, and so on. Not to mention that many, many things took part in it. And that if such things had not occurred, we would not be the country that we are today. There isn't a whole lot of information on William Leach, but he does appear to be a very well-thought out man. This is not his only historical book and he's also done other things, including the book True Love and Perfect Union: The Feminist Reform of Sex and Society, and editing The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. That specifically shows up a number of times in Land of Desire. He refers to L. Frank Baum (the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) throughout the book, as well as to the book itself. Other than that, though, there's not much else I know about him, too bad it's not exactly the most helpful information as far as why he thinks the way he does. Leach broke the book up into 5 major parts. The first being the preface and the introduction. These two parts laid out the main ideas of the book. After that, Leach went into the three main sections of the book, which end up being the three main steps in the transformation into capitalism. The first entitled Strategies of Enticement, went into a little bit of history, as well as the first recognition of capitalism and were it all began. The second section, Circuits of Power, retold stories of how the public reacted to the whole thing. It also dealt with the philosophical side of capitalism. The final major section of the book, Managing a Dream Culture, displayed the managerial aspects of capitalism and the poeple behind it. Then, the last pages illustrate how the history in the book affected our country today, hence the its Legacies. It pretty much sums up why what happened was important and the such. This book exhibits how this older culture was challenged and was gradually superseded by the new culture, (p8). That pretty much sums up the first section of the book, Strategies of Enticement. Within this chapter you see the clear path towards capitalism being chosen. It starts out with what led up to the idea of capitalism, including the merchant John Wanamaker and the retail wars. It sets up the most vital history to understanding the whole transmission into capitalism. The next step to the up and rising consumer industry was the elaborate and aesthetically pleasing forms of advertisement that began. It all began with the advertising cards and eventually led to billboards and electrical advertising. This is also one of the first times that Baum is discussed, this time concerning his manual on the arts of decorating and display (p56). This was really the chapter of advertisement's roots. One of the last chapters of this section is about fashion and the effect it had on the market. It also links the wants of the US consumers to the haves of the European consumers, specifically France. The first of many fashion shows begin arising here and the impact that foreign countries have on what is in and out begin here. Later on, Oriental fashion shows up in a similar way. The final chapter in this section goes into the detail of the first customer services. It begins the linkage between capitalism and religion here due to the fact that many of the ideals in customer services were similar to those ideals of Christians. Despite the fact that Americans had broken from their older religious heritage, at their best they still retained the spirit of service (p115). And from there the hospitality in public places such as daycares,

Monday, November 25, 2019

Edward scissors hands Narrative Essays

Edward scissors hands Narrative Essays Edward scissors hands Narrative Essay Edward scissors hands Narrative Essay Narrative is the most important part of a film. It helps to structure the film to give an understanding of plot and helps the film progress. There are several elements of creating a narrative such as character motivations and how time and space is structured. The 15 minuet chosen is at the beginning of the film just after the credits.  The most important thing about the start of a film is that it can establish a narrative quickly so the audience doesnt get bored. The first two minuets of the film (after the credits) begin with a point of view shot of the mansion followed by a pan out which introduces the first character, As this character walks around the room the camera follows instantly introducing a second character. As a conversation begins between the two characters a 180 degrees line is created which moves depending on which character is talking. The dialogue of this first sequence sets up a story and gives the old lady the chance to introduce the main character Edward although we dont see him yet. As the camera pans back towards the window a voice over continues giving further insight to the story, The camera travels through the window and gives us an instant establishing shot (suburbia) followed by a secondary establishing shot of the mansion. After a fading transition the camera is on the inside of the mansion looking down on the houses in the same way that the old woman was looking up at the house. This whole two-minuet sequence is strangely similar to the one seen in Citizen Cane when we see Canes mansion in the way the sequence is shot and the content (The mansion, An outcast within the mansion, The use of snow). After a small pan outward we get a slight glimmer of a pale figure looking down at the streets then there is a cut taking us to a new scene. These two minuets have established a place where the film is based around and has given an insight into the plot a head. For the plot to progress it is essential that characters are introduced to the audience. We are introduced to all of the main characters one at a time in the first 15 minuets. At the beginning of the film we see the characters of the old woman and the child although we dont now who they are yet and after the first scenes the first character introduced is Peg A door to door seller of makeup. We are also introduced to many of the minor characters (The Neighbours) in the first 15 minuets as Peg visits their houses. After Peg has her first meeting with Edward (Who is the next main character to be introduced) she is instantly motivated to bring Edward to her suburban home despite being so disfigured and different. This seems like the last thing someone from Suburbia would want to do and oddly the whole of the street are welcoming to Edward. Edward is represented in many ways by what we see. The mansion that stand over the houses is a dark dilapidated building that the people living in the houses below dont seem to take any notice of in the same way that these people dont except who Edward is on the out side (A disfigured man who looks like a dangerous freak) which is an odd thing for people living in such a formal area to do but in time these people will start to see who he is on the outside but will let there judgement of what he looks like cloud there judgement of who he may be on the inside (A innocent child like person with feelings). The motivations of Edward are made clear in the first 15 minuets of the film. When Edward is shown a picture of Kim (Pegs daughter) the use of panning and Non diagetic music really show the fact that Edward is transfixed with her, There is then a cut to show the expression on Edwards face which isnt much but with the music we can see what Edwards goal will be (It is not obvious yet) even though Edward may not know it yet himself. We are also introduced to an obvious obstacle seen in the picture (Kims boy friend) and again although not even the audience can understand the man in the picture is going to become a problem it is there to set Edward A goal and what he has to over come to reach this goal. Also the first 15 minuets are giving us a setting and characters, at the same time we are slowly being set up for a conflict. The characters create the fairy tail feel with Edward being the hero, Peg being the queen or just the mother, Pegs husband being the King or just the father, Kim will become the princess and carols boyfriend will be the Evil duke/ Bad guy. If this wasnt seen as a fairy tail then there are obvious elements of a grim folk tail and Levi Straus theories within the plot.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What's the difference between a Liberal and a Conservative in 2011 Article

What's the difference between a Liberal and a Conservative in 2011 American Politics - Article Example (Student News Daily, 2010) The Liberals want Government controlled health care. The Conservatives support a competitive, free market health care system. Liberals believe that undocumented aliens (illegals) have the right to the same benefits as citizens. Conservatives do not. Liberals believe that the Social Security system should be protected at all costs whereas the Conservatives feel people should be allowed to handle their own savings. Conservatives liken Liberals AKA Progressives to a person who goes in and tears down a house, leaving the tenants homeless, with no ideas for rebuilding. Conservatives are full of ideas but have been unable to rally enough support to initiate any of them. (American Thinker, 2007) When it comes to taxes, Conservatives feel that the people are pretty darn good at handling money and that tax cuts increase revenue and the spending power of the American people increasing Government profit. Liberals on the other hand feel that in the people’s hands money is not well spent and that the Government should regulate it, redistributing it where they see fit. To quote paleoconservative Pat Buchanan, with regards to the bailout, â€Å"What we are witnessing is what happens to a prodigal nation that ignores history, and forgets and abandons the philosophies and principals that made it great.† (Quinn, 2008) While on the other side of the fence, what seems a rather unflattering statement is what the Liberals are saying about Obama, â€Å"Obama Sounds Like a Fool Because He’s Just So Darn Brilliant†, referring to his â€Å"Intellectual Stammer†. (Eden, 2011) To be a Liberal is to defend the freedom - the Liberty - of all people who make up our great nation. (McKinley, n.d.) Conservatives overwhelmingly believe if you go around and work hard and persevere, youre going to get ahead. (Schulte, 2008) As you can see the differences are many. What matters most however, are not the differences, but whether or not they can

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

History of Virginia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Virginia - Essay Example The stay of the Virginia Company in Jamestown was characterized by many ups and downs and it was very difficult for them to establish stable relations with the natives of the region who were the Indians under the command of their leader Powhatan1. When the settlers arrived they were not aware of all the troubles that they were going to face. They did not make a wise decision in choosing their location because it was surrounded by a swampy area and it did not provide them access to proper water and also they did not realize that the area that they had chosen was not occupied by Indians but still they could easily reach there. The settlers did not have a very high opinion of the Indians from the beginning and they thought that they did not deserve any rights because they were uncivilized people with no religion. So even before they had set a firm ground in Jamestown they had no plans of proper negotiations with the Indians. 2The Indians had a different thought about the settlers. They wanted to cooperate with them and in return get access to modern weapons and tools for themselves. The colonists should have realized that to make a good place for themselves they should have availed the opportunity and they should have shaken hands with the Indians and worked in collaboration with them giving the Indians what they needed and taking from them the things required by them. The Indians soon realized that the motive of the settlers was to get hold of their land. As soon as the Indians got to know of their ill plans they started attacking the settlers. Thus the death toll of the colonists rose and within a few moths their number decreased to less than half. Seeing the capabilities of john smith the company made him the next governor after a few months. During the time period when everything was under john smith the relations between the Indians and the colonists took a very good turn. At first when john smith took over he also used oppressive means against the Indians but soon he was advised by Ocanindge who was the Indian presenter to think about the outcome if the Indians would stop working on their fields. He advised him to work in collaboration with the Indians for the betterment of both the communities3. The turning point actually came when John smith and some of his fellows came under the attack of the Indians. In this attack most of the men who accompanied john smith were killed and he was made captive by the Indians. The leader of the Indians who was Powhatan ordered the killing of john smith but he was saved by the leader's daughter Pocahontas and following this event many things changed for the good. The Indians in return for modernized tools from the English provided them with crops and food for them. This did not last for a very long time because in 1609 when the area was hit by harsh winter. The Indians knew about such conditions and they had kept food reserves for themselves. Thus now they became unable to supply the settlers with food and the relations between the two sides became tense again. The settlers used oppressive forces against the Indians and the Indians replied in a similar manner. This continued for a long time. The settlers had stayed there for a very long t

Monday, November 18, 2019

International business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International business environment - Essay Example Since 2010, the company has been making profits that are annually reported. General motors however can reduce tax and pay for it in future dates by carrying forward the past losses and applying it on future dates. It was estimated by wall street journal in the past that the tax break that the company will enjoy in the next 20 years will be close to $45 billion including credits for pension costs (Hill, Gareth, & Jones, 2009). In 2010 alone, general motors reported an earning of 4.7 billion us dollars. In the same year 2010, the company was ranked the second in the list of companies that produce 8.5 million units across the world. In the following year 2011, it was ranked the first with production of 9.025 units that were sold globally (Gall, 2011). These units sold in 2011 command an 11.9% of the market share in the motor vehicle industry across the world (Gall, 2011). General motors performance was boosted by its brand called Chevrolet that recorded a global sale of 4.76 million in 2011. Cadillac, Chevrolet, Buick, and GMC are the four main divisions of gm products (Gall, 2011). The GM always do some restructuring and this have helped the company a lot to retain the quality of vehicles it produces and have also enabled the company to produce safe and fuel efficient cars. General motors products have done very well in Asian countries over the past decade. In china, it manufacture its products through shanghai GM which is a local manufacturer and in Japan it manufacture through GM Chevrolet shop. Its sales in China rose 28.8 percent to a record 2,351,610 units in 2010 (Mueller, 2008). To ensure that it keep up with the research, GM set up a research centre in shanghai to help develop electric vehicles and gasoline-hybrid cars engines and other fresh technologies. Since fuel prices skyrocketed in 2000 and 2010, general motors have shifted its interest to produce small capacity vehicles in the United States (Mueller, 2008). This program will help create thousands of jobs and help the company increase its sales. In 2008, the company made it public that it was considering phasing out some brands that includes Pontiac in an effort to get 25 billion dollar loan through the help of congress (Mueller, 2008). It also made other very serious proposals in 2009 that include the phasing out of Saturn, sale of Saab and either to phase out or sale Hummer. Pontiac was therefore to cut its model and possibly remain with one but had to shift to production of youthful and sporty models. General Motors would cut out another 7,000 to 8,000 factory jobs in the United States under a revised business plan set up by Obama administration (Kerzner, 2010). Fritz Henderson the CEO of the company said that Pontiac brand would be closed by 2010, terming it an â€Å"extremely personal decision.† In addition to speeding up decisions on Saturn, Saab and Hummer, GM will be left with four brands – Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac (Kerzner, 2010). Shanghai Gen eral Motors' sales surpassed those of sister company Shanghai Volkswagen's in 2005 and was in that year China's top selling joint venture. Its sales keep going up in 2006 and 2007 but later in 2008 recorded slight reduction in its sales trailing shanghai VW, but it was later to return to number one slot in 2010 and have kept that position to today (Kerzner, 2010). Shanghai GM introduced Chevrolet brand in the country in 2005 and in that year it also started domestic production of the Cadillac

Friday, November 15, 2019

Smoking During Pregnancy

Smoking During Pregnancy The Dangers of Smoking During Pregnancy When a baby is conceived, it is most often a joyous occasion for the parents. A lot of changes are obviously in store for them, as well as some apprehension about what the future holds. They will have approximately nine months to plan for the birth of their child. Undoubtedly, they will begin making arrangements for day care, because they understand that, upon birth, the child will be totally dependent on them for all of his or her needs. What they may not realize is that complete dependence begins long before birth. During the first couple of weeks after conception, the embryo travels from the mothers fallopian tubes to the womb, where it will attach itself to the uterine wall. During this voyage, the embryo will spend its time splitting cells and multiplying rapidly. While the embryo is extremely busy during the first 17 days, this is not an extremely critical time of development when major organ systems are formed. If anything unhealthy is introduced into the mothers body during this time, the affect on the embryo will either be no affect at all or they may completely destroy the embryo, causing a miscarriage. If this happens, it is likely that the woman will have no knowledge that she was ever pregnant (Hawkesley 8). It is an entirely different situation during the next stage of fetal development. Many organ systems are developed during the second stage, which happens from the third to the tenth week of pregnancy. Any abnormality that forms during this time will be present from that time forward (Hawkesley 9). Because this stage is a significant period in which organs are being formed, its unmistakably essential that the mother take tremendous care in what she ingests, injects and inhales into her body. Any unhealthy substance that enters her body may have a tremendous impact on the health of her unborn child. The third stage of fetal development lasts from day 56 until the baby is born (Hawkesley 10). During this time, organs developed in the second stage are simply becoming larger and more robust. While its unlikely harmful substances will affect the development of organs, they may retard the growth of them. It should be noted that the brain continues developing throughout the entire pregnancy, meaning that any harmful toxins used by the mother may, in fact, cause the baby to be born with brain damage (Hawkesley 10). The fetus is attached to the mother by the placenta, which carries all of the oxygen and nutrition it will need until it is born. It is imperative for the mother to eat well-balanced meals because she is not only providing nutrition to her body, but to her babys body as well. Anything she eats, sniffs, injects or inhales will be passed onto the fetus and may impair the development or growth of it. Due to the fact that cigarettes contain 580 carcinogenes in addition to nicotine, smoking is not only harmful to the mother, but it is also extremely harmful to her unborn child. Cigarette smoking can cause a greater chance of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and placental abruption. These babies also have higher perinatal death rates [stillbirth or death soon after delivery]. It is believed that the carbon monoxide in cigarettes negatively effect the fetuses red blood cells and cause small blood vessels to constrict, consequently reducing the oxygen transferred to the fetus (Thurston 381). Nine months later and the baby is born, apparently healthy. The mothers smoking didnt seem to cause any harm to the child; or did it? There are many other risks associated with smoking during pregnancy. One of them is SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). While babies appear seemingly healthy, the CDC reports that babies born to mothers who smoked during their pregnancy, have an increased chance of dying from SIDS before their first birthday. The risk is 1.4 to 3.0 times than those babies born to women who did not smoke during their pregnancy (CDC website citation). While its also very important that the mother not smoke during her pregnancy, she also needs to be cognizant of her surroundings. If she is around anyone else who is smoking, the secondhand smoke she breathes in is just as harmful to her growing fetus as though she were smoking the cigarette herself. The same is true of infants who are exposed to secondhand smoke. Additionally, infants exposed to smoke both in the womb and secondhand smoke after birth have an even greater risk of SIDS. Simply states, the CDC says that â€Å"parents can help protect their babies from SIDS by taking the following three actions: not smoking when pregnant, not smoking in the home or around the baby after the baby is born and putting the baby down to sleep on its back [another risk factor for SIDS]† (CDC website citation). Other complications that can arise are asthma, learning disabilities and behavioral problems. Works Cited (Aug 14, 2007) (October 2006) (Oct 2,2007) Tobacco Use and Pregnancy: Home

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fate is to Blame for the Deaths of the Main Characters of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

In this essay I am going to discuss who is responsible for the tragic ending of the play, by talking about how each character interacts with the one that dies and see if any of their actions could have resulted in the death of the main characters. During the essay I am going to eliminate characters that I think did not influence people enough to resort in the killings from my list below, whether it was Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Friar Lawrence, the Nurse, both the feuding families, Fate or other influential characters including the writer, Shakespeare himself. At the end I will draw a conclusion of who I think is most to blame for the deaths at the end of the play, although I do think each person added their own little bit to the cause, and explain why to answer the initial question that I was set. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy about two feuding families and the children from each house that meet and fall madly in love but are forbidden to be together. Within the language Shakespeare uses a lot of technical terms that also describe the thoughts and feelings of the main people. For example oxymora is used a lot when Romeo is describing his love for Rosaline and Juliet, ?O brawling love, o loving hate? as the opposites show he is confused and resembles the two family?s conflicts. It also shows that love has pros and cons as does everything in life, which is an example of dramatic irony as Romeo doesn?t realise how true it?s going to be. This also helps us understand the dramatic effects of the language. Fate is talked about a lot too, which adds to the dramatic features of the play, so as the story evolves everything the characters say can relate back to the prologue in some way when we find out what is going to happen in the end. The quote ?From forth the fatal loins of these two foes? shows that nothing good will happen as fatal means almost deathly and both the families children end up dying at the end. Also in the prologue ?The fearful passage of their death-marked love? means they are fated to die because they are in love through a course of unfortunate events. Also at the Capulets? party when Romeo and Juliet first kiss the rest of the play is almost set out for you.