Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Current Views On Behavior Parenting Practices - 1110 Words

CURRENT VIEWS Some of the current view on ODD is that it develops due to ineffective parenting practices. Meaning that the parent of the child does not have the proper skill to raise the child properly. If the child continues to be defiant the child will most likely develop a pattern, this could lead to the child being diagnosed with ODD. If the parent takes the child to get treatment before it starts to escalate they will hopefully be able to change the child’s ways so that they will be able to improve their life (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015) DIAGNOSIS For a person to be diagnosed with ODD the person must meet the symptoms of ODD. If the person that is displaying the eight symptoms of ODD they have to be persistent for 6 months until they can be diagnosed (Drabick, 2010). This is a very important prat of diagnosis because if the person does not have the symptoms for that specific about of time the person that is diagnosing them will not be able to consider this disorder because it did not meet the diagnostic requirements. When the client meets the criteria for diagnosis they will then be analyzed and then treated for the disorder that is given if any is given to the client. AGE OF ONSET AND OTHER FACTORS The age of onset for ODD would be during the early years of childhood and adolescents (Essau, 2003). The child will most likely show these symptoms around people that they are the most comfortable. An example of this would be Claire. 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